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Foreword from Corien Wortmann, Chair of the Supervisory Board of Netspar

You became the chair of the Supervisory Board in 2023. What would you describe as the relevant developments for the year?
“The adoption of the Future Pensions Act in May 2023 was, without a doubt, one of them. This was the culmination of a long process and the eventual passage of the act constitutes a huge step in terms of reforming the Dutch pension system. Netspar played an important role in that process by providing valuable scientific insights. I also think back to the expert sessions held in the Dutch Senate to discuss the act, where Lans Bovenberg, Theo Nijman, and Marike Knoef, all affiliated with Netspar, gave introductions and answered questions from the senators. The transition to the new pension contracts is complicated, and Netspar will be researching the related knowledge needs for the foreseeable future.

We are pleased that Lisa Brüggen has joined Netspar as its new director. Her arrival has ushered in some much needed enhancement in the area of communications, a process that has been met with great enthusiasm. The goal is to make the huge quantity of knowledge Netspar possesses even more accessible to its partners and other interested parties. We on the Supervisory Board enjoy watching the developments unfold − remaining suitably detached, of course, but nevertheless involved.”

Corien Wortmann

How has the knowledge network grown?
“The Supervisory Board is happy with how the knowledge network has developed. In particular, Netspar has undertaken various initiatives aimed at bringing parties together to address the critical themes we face today, such as events focused on the conversion of pension entitlements and on pension communication. These were extremely valuable in terms of bringing industry experts up to speed on recent scientific insights and engaging in dialogue. In addition, a number of academic events this year once again brought together researchers from Netspar’s robust national and international network.

Netspar has undertaken various initiatives aimed at bringing parties together to address the critical themes we face today.

Yet another example is the dinner for executives held in the spring of 2023, where President Klaas Knot of De Nederlandsche Bank (the Dutch central bank) presented his vision of how pension funds and insurers should address inflation. Another speaker that night was Stan Kaatee, directorate general at the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. He discussed the latest developments surrounding pension reform.

We on the Supervisory Board are grateful for the commitment on the part of our partners on the Foundation Board. It is also worth mentioning that we expanded the network in 2023. ABN AMRO Pensioenfonds was one of the companies to join Netspar as a partner, further strengthening the network.”

What topics did the Supervisory Board take up?
“One major theme was the strategy and funding for Netspar over the long term, and this will also be on the agenda in 2024. This is a course of action in which we both challenge and support the director, with the ultimate goal of ensuring that Netspar is future-proof. In addition, the Supervisory Board both sought information and asked critical questions about the launch of the new 2023−2027 Action Plan and the ideas pertaining to making the research and knowledge at Netspar accessible. The action plan, budget, and financial statements were all approved by the Board.

We also discussed the pending departure of Theo Nijman, the longest serving member of the board at Netspar, whereby the Supervisory Board served as a sounding board for the Board of Directors.

In November 2023, the Supervisory Board visited Netspar’s offices in Tilburg. Both the Supervisory Board and the Netspar staff had gained new members during the year, which seemed like a good reason for a meet and greet. The office visit was a very positive experience and we greatly appreciated the team’s professionalism.”

What determines the composition of the Supervisory Board?
“The Supervisory Board has eight members in total: five of the eight seats are appointed by the Foundation Board; the Labor Foundation appoints another two members; and Tilburg University appoints one member. In 2023, we said good-bye to Willem Noordman from the Labor Foundation and Bianca Tetteroo of Achmea. Piet Rietman then joined the Board on behalf of the Labor Foundation, and Leon van Riet was willing to fill the vacant seat left by the departure of Bianca Tetteroo. I would like to thank Bianca and Willem for their contributions to the Supervisory Board and their efforts on behalf of a thriving Netspar.”

Do you have anything else to add?
“I would like to express my gratitude on behalf of the Supervisory Board, first and foremost to the entire team at Netspar, which accomplishes so much work with such a relatively small number of people. Yet, these efforts would not be possible without the support of the Netspar partners and funding from organizations such as Instituut Gak. That support is desperately needed to flesh out Netspar’s mission: mobilizing research and knowledge to continually improve the possibilities for financing retirement in the Netherlands.”